Mergers and acquisitions


Exit strategies and international M&A

CENTURION CAPITAL helps business owners define and implement exit strategies. An exit strategy provides the entrepreneur with the indispensable coordinates to successfully exit privately held business.

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If you are looking for a new beginning, interested in moving abroad and want to start a new business or investment, it could be time to sell or close your existing business and move abroad to achieve your B-Plan. So, you will have in your bank account all the money which derives from the sale of your business and access to the red carpet everywhere. This will allow you to be free from ties with your old country and from any kind of obligations, worries and weights.

Often an exit strategy depends on a generational shift when the heirs no longer want to lead the family business or when there are conflicts between family members. In these cases, the best solution is selling the company or selecting a new partner, shareholder or investor.

Company acquisitions concern a unique combination of legal, finance, tax and business aspects. Our background as an international consulting company combined with our business experiences and our cooperation with the best boutique investment banks allow us to have a special understanding of these tasks. We bring a huge range of services to our clients from analysis and preparation of the company to the search for an international buyer, presentation, negotiation and closing of the deal. 

In recent years many of the cross-border deals have been made in Europe in countries with mature economies (Italy, France, Spain, United Kingdom) where investment funds and venture capitalists from strong economies or emerging countries (like China, Qatar, India, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Switzerland) have acquired historic companies, famous brands, large industries, chains of hotels, entire buildings, and large structures.

Thanks to solid cooperation with investment funds, sovereign wealth funds and venture capitalists from Switzerland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Russia, India, USA, and China, CENTURION CAPITAL is able to analyses and select buyers, minority shareholders or capital lenders for excellent companies, brands and luxury properties in view of the relaunch and internationalization of the company.

We have invested over the years in high-level relationships, so we have a large international network of UHNWI, elite clientele and investors, and thanks to our network, we can intermediate for direct private sale of our clients’ assets, such as exceptional real estate, masterpieces, luxury yachts, private jets and vintage cars.

Our specialization

Mergers and acquisitions, exit strategies, B-Plan, generational shift, investment funds, international buyers, negotiation, investors, shareholders, lenders, venture capitalists, business angels, club deal, investment banks, and UHNWI.

Our jurisdiction for M&A and exit strategies

Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherland, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Turkey, Russia, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, Brazil, USA, China, Israel.

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